Category: Ozone safe materials

Top 3 materials which are Totally SAFE for Ozone treatment.

Since we know which plastics and metals are unsafe to be used with Ozone, lets list those that are perfectly fine. When buying the container you should double check what it is made of, sadly most of the office, cloths storage boxes will be unusable. Most of the websites don’t even say what kind of […]

Top 3 materials you should NOT use with Ozone.

Do you clean your veggies, fruits and meat in ozonated water? No? You should definitely try. Yes? That’s great, we do to, but is the container you use safe? Ozone is nature’s most powerful sanitiser.It kills Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Norovirus, MRSA, Legionella, EBOLA, MERS, SARS and more and leaves no chemical residue. It removes […]